Friday, July 13, 2007

Developer's life !

Its been quite a long since I updated my blog, because I don't find enough time (rather don't have a solid subject to write on! may be!) After reaching many developer's blog, who share their knowledge of software development, challenges in software development and solutions, I too have decided to write my experience in the process of software development. Yes I am new to this field where there are many experts, but the information that I may provide is nevertheless.

So here I am to share my experience, to share problems faced, bottle-necks I faced, hours spent on google trying to find the solution. Really don't know how regular I will be in updating my blog, but any how I have decided to give it a try.

To gain enough expertise in handling in a large software project is a big challenge and I have just now entered to this field. New jargons, new terms - but life is never interesting without new things. Apart from developing software as a job (that's what I'm getting paid for!), I would love to do that as a hobby as well.

The stuff that I recently developed can be used for converting java code to html (which does some keyword highlighting). You can use this software to convert java code to html so that it can be posted onto a blog or somewhere. You can download it from here

Currently I am working on software called JInspector. With this software you can inspect jar files, create jar files, assists you in creating MANIFEST files etc.,

My goals for creating this piece of software are:
1. Learn about JTree, creating custom cell renderer
2. Learn to use Zip Streams
3. last, but not the least, java swings.

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